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Think of the new songs!
1. While My Gestapo Gently Sleeps
2. She Came In Through The Bunker Window
3. Magical Misery Tour
4. The Ballad Of Adolf & Eva
5. Do you Want To Know A State Secret?
6. Octopus's Berchtesgaden
7. I want To Hold Your Himmler.
8. I Am The WaldHeim (I am the Eichman)
9. The Long And Winding Eastern Front
10. Back In The USSR (but this time in the summer!)
11. Nothing for #11
12. Ticket To Reich
13. With A Little Help From My Fuehrer
14. Hitler Skitler
15. Luftwaffe In The Sky With Diamonds
16. Hey Juden
1. While My Gestapo Gently Sleeps
2. She Came In Through The Bunker Window
3. Magical Misery Tour
4. The Ballad Of Adolf & Eva
5. Do you Want To Know A State Secret?
6. Octopus's Berchtesgaden
7. I want To Hold Your Himmler.
8. I Am The WaldHeim (I am the Eichman)
9. The Long And Winding Eastern Front
10. Back In The USSR (but this time in the summer!)
11. Nothing for #11
12. Ticket To Reich
13. With A Little Help From My Fuehrer
14. Hitler Skitler
15. Luftwaffe In The Sky With Diamonds
16. Hey Juden