Трибунал Сыновний расставит все точки и хозяина тюрьмы поставят к стенке
Think of the new songs!

1. While My Gestapo Gently Sleeps

2. She Came In Through The Bunker Window

3. Magical Misery Tour

4. The Ballad Of Adolf & Eva

5. Do you Want To Know A State Secret?

6. Octopus's Berchtesgaden

7. I want To Hold Your Himmler.

8. I Am The WaldHeim (I am the Eichman)

9. The Long And Winding Eastern Front

10. Back In The USSR (but this time in the summer!)

11. Nothing for #11

12. Ticket To Reich

13. With A Little Help From My Fuehrer

14. Hitler Skitler

15. Luftwaffe In The Sky With Diamonds

16. Hey Juden
